This knee injury quiz is designed to test the clinical knowledge of Physios with at least 2-3 years of experience.

Name the growth-related condition affecting the inferior pole of the Patella.

Correct! Wrong!

Name the type of fracture indicated by the arrow on the lateral aspect of the knee.

knee xray 1 Case courtesy of Dr Chris O'Donnell,, rID: 18221
Correct! Wrong!

What injury is commonly associated with a Segond fracture (pictured)?

knee xray 1 Case courtesy of Dr Chris O'Donnell,, rID: 18221
Correct! Wrong!

Which three injuries are referred to as the "O'Donoghue Unhappy Triad"?

Please select 3 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

How would you categorise an avulsion fracture of the inferior pole of the Patella?

Correct! Wrong!

This categorisation determines whether you would expect intra-articular effusion as a clinical sign.

ITB pain during knee flexion is typically aggravated by the addition of.... (select two answers)

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

At what knee flexion angle does patellofemoral force peak?

Correct! Wrong!

What is considered a positive result for Clarke sign/Clarke's test for patellofemoral pain?

Correct! Wrong!

Knee pain 1
Knee guru!!! Nailed every question!
You know your stuff - just one little whoopsie!
With a bit of work, you'll be a superstar.
It's just not your day...

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This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of more advanced concepts with knee injuries.

It includes reading knee X-rays and explaining clinical features based on anatomy.

You can further test your clinical abilities with complex case studies.

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